JeraSoft VCS 3.10.2 is Available!

JeraSoft Team is excited to announce the major release of our carrier grade platform. JeraSoft VCS 3.10.2 is available for installation. This version includes a number of additions, improvements and new features listed below.

General Improvements

  • We implemented a new structure of the reports to make your work with statistical reports much more painless. These sections have a new form of queries: Summary report, Orig-Term Report, Balance Report, Profit Report, LCR’s list, CDR’s list, Calls Rerating, Reports Templates, Rates Analysis, Active Calls.
  • The Backup Manager was enhanced and now it’s possible to perform the backup faster.
  • Starting from the current version, new charts became available for data visualization. Hence, you can create charts and plot the data from the Summary Reports, Orig-Term Reports and Active Calls sections.
  • Moreover, you can use default chart templates, copy and customize them according to your demands. Read more about charts by clicking on a link to the article “How to create a statistic chart?” in our Knowledge Base.

VoIP Gateway Integration and Files Collector

  • We are happy to announce that JeraSoft VCS has been successfully and completely integrated with Cataleya Orchid One. This integration is critical to achieving fully functional Call billing via CDR (SDR) files, Dynamic Routing (SIP) and Authorization over SIP Redirect with Cataleya Orchid One solution.
  • A new collector “Cisco 2811” is accessible in the settings of the RADIUS Server. This one is based on collector “Cisco / Universal”. The advantage of this version that it returns header ‘h323-return-code=16’ in the case of successful authentication. Whereas the “Cisco / Universal” only returns header ‘h323-return-code’ in the case of authentication failure.

You can get the full list of changes and fixes of JeraSoft VCS 3.10.2 by referring to our Release Notes.

All existing JeraSoft customers are encouraged to upgrade their current version to the latest version JeraSoft VCS 3.10.2. Clients with active Support Subscription get this upgrade FREE of charge.

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