New VCS Version Numbering

Starting from VCS 3.12.0, JeraSoft introduced updated guidelines for the version numbering to ensure the smooth system’s performance after each upgrade. Now, the core changes will be performed only in MAJOR releases (3.12, 3.13 etc.). MINOR versions (3.13.1, 3.13.2 etc.) don’t contain any fundamental updates and will not impact on any integration made. Therefore, сlients can be prepared for updates in advance.

Version Numbering

New versions of the JeraSoft Billing Platform are denoted using a standard triplet of integers:

  • GENERAL BRANCH – contains major features and significant changes to JeraSoft Billing Platform, (i.e. modifications in system architecture and/or user experience).
  • MAJOR – the major version contains significant changes, might have backward incompatible API changes.
  • MINOR – the micro version with backwards-compatible bug fixes that do not affect either consumers or providers of the API.

We encourage customers to upgrade to the latest version of the software – VCS 3.13.

Upcoming Webinar – VCS 3.13

JeraSoft has recently announced the major release of the JeraSoft Telecom and IoT Billing Platform. VCS 3.13 rolls out exciting new features and developments, improved performance, and greater ease-of-use.

Join us for the upcoming webinars to master these new tools!

Register now by completing the short form:

• Tue 25, July – Click here to register
• Thu 27, July – Click here to register

Duration: 35 minutes

Contact us

Please contact JeraSoft Support for any product or support related questions at [email protected] or visit JeraSoft Documentation.

For general and sales inquiries regarding JeraSoft products and services, please contact us at [email protected]

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