What Rate Management Is And Why It Is So Effective

With increasing competition impacting the telecom industry, consumers become more demanding and expect always-on service everywhere. They force providers to boost network capacity and reduce prices. Thus, it’s important for providers to streamline processes and provide services at the best prices.

The biggest part of a telecom manager’s day-to-day work is creating rate offers for new clients and updating rates of current users. Generally, it’s a fairly common task to keep rate tables up-to-date because vendors are changing their prices often. Apart from this, route quality changes frequently. It’s critical to keep track of these factors when updating prices.

This is where a telecom rate billing tool can help. JeraSoft VCS provides rate analysis, match finder tools, and rate and LCR list generators. A rate generator allows you to prepare a rate list for customers by analyzing several sources, choosing applicable data, desired destinations, and applying margins. An LCR list generator creates a list of current targets by using relevant statistical information. This greatly simplifies the process of dealing with providers.

Moreover, rate management allows you to block vendors based on prefix or country code, update a batch of rates, and send new tariffs to customers with a single click, thus saving large amounts of time and hassle that would otherwise be required to update each client manually.

Besides, customers should definitely be notified of a rate change in advance: Providers have the obligation to do so for any rate increase or decrease. Therefore, the JeraSoft Billing Platform’s rate notification allows you to send notifications to customers within the VCS interface. When the rate table is updated, the system generates and sends an email notification to customers. And it’s possible to easily manage configurations and define cases when the client should receive notifications.

Finally, the efficiency of rate management has a critical impact on a provider’s performance and revenue. So choose the right rate management tools.

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